

With Auto Posher, you can share your Poshmark listings throughout the day in just three clicks.


When you share an item, it jumps to the top of search results, making it more likely to be seen and sold.

Sharing frequency

Auto Posher offers two frequencies: "today only" and "every day". We use your daily schedule and desired number of shares to create a personalized, peak-hour plan that will safely get you there, without a pit stop in share jail.

Sharing configuration

When you select "today only", we will immediately start sharing at safe intervals until we reach your goal, or the end of the day. Like a human, we occasionally take short breaks.

When you select "every day", we will share as described above, pause overnight, and restart each morning. This is to protect your account, as Poshmark flags nonstop activity as suspicious.

Community shares

In addition to sharing your own listings, you can also share others'. We will evenly distribute these community shares alongside your self-shares throughout the day.

If you have not yet shared 50 new Poshers, we will share qualifying listings to help you get Posh Ambassador (opens in a new tab) status. Otherwise, we will find sellers that have recently shared your listings, and share theirs in return!

Party shares

Poshmark hosts four consistent "parties" each day (Pacific Time), along with a variety of "LIVE" parties:

  • Brand party (9 AM) — Exclusively for certain brands, such as Nike or Louis Vuitton
  • Category party (12 PM) — Highlights different categories, such as Jewelry or Jeans
  • Department party (4 PM) — Features a general department, such as Petites or Men's
  • Style party (7 PM) — Showcases a style, like Athleisure or Street Wear

With Auto Posher, you can automatically share all of your eligible listings to each one!

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