

With Auto Posher, you can automatically send an offer after your item is liked.


50% of sales on Poshmark are made within one day of a shopper discovering an item, and 67% of all sales are offers!

All marketplaces

Custom configuration

For each marketplace, you can either set up a one-size-fits-all offer:

Simple offers

Or create different offers with different criteria:

Advanced offers

Base price

On platforms like eBay and Depop, you can apply discounts to your items, making them more appealing to buyers. Some users prefer to send additional offers on top of these discounts, while others do not. We provide a flexible setup for both preferences.

When configuring your offers, you can choose between two "base price" options: the "original price" (the full price) or the "current price" (the discounted sale price).

Let's explore how each option works with an example.

Imagine you have a 20% offer set up, a 10% sale on shoes, and a 30% sale on sweaters:

  • If you want the offer to stack with the sale, select "Current price." In this case, likers receive an offer based on the sale price. So, shoes would be offered with an additional 20% off the sale price.
  • If you want buyers to get the best available deal (either the sale or the offer), select "Original price." For shoes, the offer would be 20% off the original price, while sweaters wouldn’t get an additional discount because the sale already exceeds the offer.

This setup allows you to tailor offers based on the unique pricing strategy of your inventory.


Offer types

Poshmark has two types of offers: "offer to likers" and "bundle offers".

Offers to likers go out to all likers, require a minimum discount of 10% off, and show up in the news feed.

Bundle offers, on the other hand, are private from buyer to seller, do not require a minimum discount, and do not show up in the news feed. To see them from the web, navigate to "My Offers" (opens in a new tab). To see them from the app, click on "Offers" followed by "View All Active Offers":

View all active offers

Auto Posher supports both! When a shopper likes one item in your closet, you can choose how the offer is sent. When a shopper likes more than one item, you can set up a special "Multi-item offer" (which will always be a bundle offer), or turn this off to only send single-item offers.


If you have a public bundle discount (opens in a new tab), Poshmark requires that bundle offers be priced at least $1 lower.



Due to limitations with eBay, offers sent on your behalf are valid for two days and do not allow counter offers.

eBay offers
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